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/APP China ranked on the 2023 First Finance and Economics • China Enterprise Social Responsibility Ranking

APP China ranked on the 2023 First Finance and Economics • China Enterprise Social Responsibility Ranking


APP China ranked on the 2023 First Finance and Economics • China Enterprise Social Responsibility Ranking


On December 15th, the 2023 First Finance and Economics • CSR Annual Ceremony with the theme of "Resilience and Coexistence: Exceed ESG, Opening a New Era of Sustainability" was grandly held in Shanghai. The APP China was listed on the 2023 First Financial • China Corporate Social Responsibility List and won the "Environmental and Ecological Contribution Award". Zhai Jingli, Vice President of Sinar Mas Group APP (China), was invited to attend the ceremony and give a keynote speech, sharing the social responsibility and green original intention that the APP has always adhered to.


Mrs. Zhai stated that as a multinational paper-making group with a long chain, the Sinar Mas Group APP is forward-looking in its layout of green transformation and digital transformation. After the release of the national 30-60 dual carbon target, it is committed to creating a full scenario coverage of "zero carbon ecology" from three aspects: enhancing corporate strategic awareness, supporting technological innovation, and coordinating upstream and downstream development.


On the one hand, as enterprises themselves, they are an important part of the social value chain, and building a "zero carbon ecosystem" can continuously empower all aspects of the ecosystem. On the other hand, as citizens of the Earth, building a "zero carbon ecosystem" can integrate sustainable, green and innovative solutions into the daily lives of the public, and the whole nation can build a beautiful China together.

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