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Caring for Girls and Caring for Growth


Caring for Girls and Caring for Growth


On the morning of October 23rd, the launch ceremony of the "Caring for Girls, Caring for Growth" - "Free and Beneficial Together" Girls' Physical and Psychological Health Knowledge Public Welfare Tour was held at Mianyang Experimental Primary School.


This event is hosted by the Mianyang Municipal Committee of Customs, Mianyang Women's Federation, Mianyang Municipal Education and Sports Bureau of Customs, Chongqing Charity Federation, and Chongqing Charity Federation's Free More Women's Care Special Fund. It is undertook by the Mianyang Family Education Promotion Association, Mianyang Family Education School Headquarters, and Chongqing Yuzhong District Red Cherry Volunteer Association.


At the launch ceremony, Chongqing Charity Federation's Free More Women's Care Special Fund donated 24280 physical and mental health kits and self-care manual for girls to the Mianyang Family Education Promotion Association.


On October 25th, a Public Welfare Tour visited Batang County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. Loving lecturers Tian Heng and Liu Jin taught students knowledge about physical and mental health in easy to understand language.


2023 is the third year of the Chongqing Charity Federation's Free More Women's Care Special Fund. This year, the Red Cherry Volunteer Association of Yuzhong District, Chongqing, as the executor of the Free More Women's Care Special Fund, will continue to fulfill the promise of knowledge tour, visit 130 primary and secondary schools in Sichuan and 20 primary and secondary schools in Chongqing, and carry out the "Caring for Girls and Caring for Growth" Girls' Physiological and Psychological Health Knowledge Public Welfare Course, benefiting about 30000 girls.


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