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/China's absorbable sanitary products industry chain in 2023

China's absorbable sanitary products industry chain in 2023


China's absorbable sanitary products industry chain in 2023


Absorbable sanitary products are a kind of disposable sanitary products, which is the inevitable result of social progress and economic development. With the progress of society and the improvement of living standards, the demand for life’s quality is also getting higher and higher. Feminine hygiene products, infant hygiene products and adult incontinence products are also constantly evolving and improving to suit the needs of different populations.


Absorbable sanitary products industry chain


Upstream: wood pulp, cotton, crude oil, etc.


Middle stream: Manufacturers of absorbable hygiene products.


Downstream: traditional channels, e-commerce, social platforms, etc.


China is currently through publicity and education activities to improve consumer awareness and acceptance of absorbable hygiene products, with strengthening cooperation with the government, educational institutions, communities to provide health education and training, improve personal hygiene habits and health facilities conditions, expand market demand.


With the increasing trend of population aging, absorbable hygiene products industry will face new challenges and opportunities, aging will increase the demand for absorbable hygiene products, product innovation and differentiation for the elderly group will also become an important trend in the development of the industry, with the continuous development and personal hygiene awareness. The absorbent hygiene products industry will achieve market breakthroughs and growth in more countries and regions.

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