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/Import situation of absorbent hygiene products in China in 2023

Import situation of absorbent hygiene products in China in 2023


Import situation of absorbent hygiene products in China in 2023


The total import volume of absorbent hygiene products is decreasing year by year, and the impact on the industry continues to decline.


In 2023, the import volume of absorbent hygiene products was only 38900 tons, a significant decrease of 42.64% year-on-year. Among them, baby diapers are still the main product, with imports accounting for 61.1%. Due to the continuous decrease in China's birth rate in recent years and the improvement in the quality of Chinese baby diapers, they have gained recognition from the domestic market consumer group, further reducing the demand for imported products.


Among absorbent hygiene products, sanitary napkins are the only category with a year-on-year increase in import value, but the growth rate is only 0.92%. The average import price has increased by 7.60% year-on-year, indicating that there is still a certain demand for high-end sanitary napkin products in the Chinese market.

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