
Diaper Raw Material Manufacturers
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/India's Disposable Hygiene Products Industry

India's Disposable Hygiene Products Industry


India's Disposable Hygiene Products Industry


Baby Diapers


The market potential for baby diapers aged 0-2 in India is enormous. However, this market penetration rate is very low, only 7.6%. Rural people mainly use nappies. People are very concerned about diapers because Indian society does not recognize such products. In addition, the cost of toilet training and baby care is also quite low.


High end hospitals in India have started providing diapers for babies. The retail sales of disposable diapers have also promoted market growth. The rigid market demand is strong, and multinational companies such as Procter&Gamble, Unicharm, and Kimberley still hold a 92% share of the Indian diaper market. In the past few years, Kimberley's market share has begun to decline.


According to their comprehensive analysis of the sales of baby diapers in India, relevant institutions have pointed out that the market size will reach 47 billion pieces per year, with a very broad prospect.



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