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/Kimberly-Clark achieves zero waste landfill in Latin America

Kimberly-Clark achieves zero waste landfill in Latin America


Kimberly-Clark achieves zero waste landfill in Latin America


Recently, Kimberly-Clark has achieved zero waste landfill in 13 manufacturing factories in Latin America. Kimberly-Clark believes that this is due to in-depth internal waste audits and collaborative recycling solutions developed with partners. The Kimberly- Clark Latin American team has found ways to transform waste to create social, environmental, and economic value.


Previously, Kimberly-Clark had set a goal to reduce its environmental footprint by 50% globally by 2030, and achieving zero waste landfill in Latin America is an important step towards this goal. Kimberly-Clark will continue to work hard to reduce its impact on the Earths environment.


Reference from

Nonwovens Industry

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