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/Kotex is actively developing new forms of menstrual education for women

Kotex is actively developing new forms of menstrual education for women


Kotex is actively developing new forms of menstrual education for women


May 28 marks the 10th International Menstruation Day. Kotex, Plan International and universities in Xi 'an and Kunming jointly launched menstrual health education activities, aiming to encourage the public to establish a correct understanding of menstruation in various forms and to improve women' awareness and ability of menstrual health management.


A series of activities themed on menstrual health will be held two weeks around May 28, including menstrual poster design contest, menstrual story discussion, theme interview and video shooting, etc.


Throughout the growth process of women, "menstruation" is an inseparable topic. It is not only an important sign of reproductive maturity, but also a barometer of women' health. It is very important to master the relevant scientific knowledge for women' health. In recent years, women' awareness continues to awaken, menstrual apps emerge in an endless stream, and women have more ways and awareness to carry out menstrual health management.


In 2020, coinciding with the Kotex's 100th anniversary, Kotex is launching its "Girls Are Not Simple" program around the world, which includes providing free menstrual products to underprivileged women and promoting menstrual education to teenagers. At the same time, Kotex also maintains cooperation with young female science bloggers, using new media platforms as the carrier of menstrual science, creating novel forms of interaction, and "planting" menstrual health care knowledge vividly in the minds of young girls.


With the update of social consciousness and concept, more and more women realize the importance of facing menstruation calmly, and scientific and healthy cognition of menstruation should be promoted and popularized. While providing safe and comfortable products for women, Kotex will continue to promote menstrual education and help the public face menstruation through a variety of public welfare activities.





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