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/O CARE signed a joint contract with China Aerospace 12th Space Palace

O CARE signed a joint contract with China Aerospace 12th Space Palace


O CARE signed a joint contract with China Aerospace 12th Space Palace


On September 26, 2023, the joint cooperation and new product launch conference between O CARE and China Aerospace 12th Space Palace was successfully held in Shandong Linyi O CARE Industrial Park. Mr. Liu Junqiang, chairman of O CARE and the company's senior management signed the IP joint licensing agreement with the representatives of China Aerospace 12th Space Palace, and O CARE was awarded the authorization letter of the 12th Space Palace cooperation partner of China Aerospace Academy. At the same time, it released the joint products with the China Aerospace 12th Space Palace -O CARE space pull ups pants, diapers, diaper pieces.


As a national brand, O CARE never forget the original intention, adhere to quality first, produce quality products with ingenuity. All along, O CARE has almost strict requirements on product safety and product quality. As a partner of the China Aerospace 12th Space Palace Academy business, O CARE is actively learning to introduce cutting-edge technology, products adhere to the standard aerospace quality, and brand the label of "peace of mind" and "comfort" for the product.


China's continuous exploration of space, not afraid of suffering, carrying the national space dream, in a sense, O CARE also carries the incontinence of people to take steps and freely explore the dream.


The first new product of O CARE and China Aerospace 12th Space Palace joint new products - aerospace pull ups pants, diapers, the application of aerospace patent black technology - deodorizing and bacteriating technology, deodorizing and long-term bacteriating 99%, so that users are no worry about incontinence. In the future, O CARE join hands with China Aerospace 12th Space Palace will implant the aerospace quality and high standards into the O CARE s brand gene and quickly converted into products.

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