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/Shanghai Huayi New Materials started SAP Phase II project construction

Shanghai Huayi New Materials started SAP Phase II project construction


Shanghai Huayi New Materials started SAP Phase II project construction


On August 24, 2023, Shanghai Huayi New Materials Co., Ltd. held the launch meeting of 320,000 tons/year acrylic acid and ester project and 100,000 tons/year super absorbent resin Phase II project in Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone.


The smooth start of SAP Phase II project opened a new chapter in the company's C3 industrial chain layout. Over the years, the company has worked intensively in the field of SAP products, and won recognition and praise from the SAP market with its own technical advantages. This product is also one of the important products in the company's product layout strategy. The launch of this project will further promote the company's innovative development in the field of SAP products.

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