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/Sumitomo Seika Expands SAP Capacity at its Singapore Factory

Sumitomo Seika Expands SAP Capacity at its Singapore Factory


Sumitomo Seika Expands SAP Capacity at its Singapore Factory


Sumitomo Seika of Japan recently announced that it will expand its Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) production capacity at its factory on Jurong Island in western Singapore.


The expansion plan invests $160 million to double the SAP annual production capacity of the factory to 140000 tons. It is reported that against the backdrop of population growth and income increase in Southeast Asia, the diaper market in the region is expanding. Sumitomo Seika's expansion of SAP supply capacity is to seize this market opportunity.


To this end, Sumitomo Seika's local subsidiary Sumitomo Seika Singapore will be responsible for factory expansion, increasing SAP's annual production capacity by 70000 tons.


The expansion plan is to be completed in October 2025. After completion and production, including production lines in Japan and abroad, Sumitomo Seikan Group's SAP annual total production capacity will increase to 520000 tons.

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