
Diaper Raw Material Manufacturers
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/The rise of domestic baby diapers is gaining momentum

The rise of domestic baby diapers is gaining momentum


The rise of domestic baby diapers is gaining momentum


Diapers date back to the 1960s. In 1961, the global daily chemical giant Procter & Gamble launched the first baby diaper, which was named "one of the 100 greatest inventions of the 20th century" by Time magazine.


In the 1990s, diapers entered the Chinese market. Japan's Kao diapers were the first to occupy the Chinese market. Later, Kimberly-Clark and Procter & Gamble also launched Huggies and Pampers in China.


The domestic diaper market has always been dominated by foreign brands. With the technological research and development of domestic diaper brands in recent years, the gap between domestic and foreign diaper products in basic performance such as comfort, air permeability, water absorption, anti-seepage has gradually narrowed. Some domestic brands have even surpassed foreign brands in research and development technology. More and more domestic diapers have become the first choice of consumers.


In 1996, Hengan Group launched Anerle diapers. Since then, Chiaus, Daddy choice, Daddy baby, Yiying and other domestic diaper brands rushed in.


Some enterprises of domestic diaper brands also have a certain technical basis and advantages. Domestic diaper manufacturers have a certain technical basis in the production process and formula research and development, process equipment is gradually becoming mature, the formula is constantly innovative, and the insight of domestic consumers is obviously higher than that of foreign brands.


In recent years, Tongrentang, Qianjin Pharmaceutical, Beingmate, Biostime, etc., have also cross-border layout of baby diaper products. Statistics show that up to now, there are more than 2,700 enterprises involved in the baby diaper business.


Wang Shengdi founded the Daddy choice diaper brand and has launched a number of baby diaper products, which have been recognized by many consumers.


Chiaus diaper was one of the earlier domestic brands of baby diapers. Chiaus is always stand in the consumers’ perspective. "Soft Universe", a new high-end series of baby diapers launched in early 2022, has attracted strong attention from the market and consumers.


In fact, domestic diapers are also recognized by some foreign brands. According to Huanqiu.com, Japan Kao President Michitaka Sawada has publicly said that the quality of Chinese-made diapers is improving. In the past, it was 50 to 60 points, but now it is more than 90 points.


Liu Chunsheng, associate professor at the Central University of Finance and Economics and vice president of Lanyuan Capital Research Institute, an industry insider, said that the rise of domestic products has become the general trend in the daily chemical industry, with the change of consumption concept and the influence of "Guocao wind".


Zhang Yi, CEO and chief analyst of IIMedia Research, said that in recent years, the domestic market pattern of baby diapers has changed imperceptibly, and the market position of domestic brands has steadily improved.


Wang Shengdi said that with the rise of domestic brands, there will be more and more entrepreneurs continue to join the domestic daily chemical market. Domestic brands bursting potential is unlimited. We believe that in the near future, our domestic diaper brand will replace more foreign brands.

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