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/Velvet Care in Poland tripled the production of household paper and halved its CO2 emissions

Velvet Care in Poland tripled the production of household paper and halved its CO2 emissions


Velvet Care in Poland tripled the production of household paper and halved its CO2 emissions


Velvet Care says it has halved its carbon dioxide emissions and water use per ton of product since 2013, while increasing its household paper production threefold.


The company published its first report on the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiative with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. The report shows that in 2022, the company's CO2 emissions were 0.347 eMgCO2 (tons equivalent to CO2 emissions per ton of household paper production) and water consumption was 6.22m³/t.


The document was published three years before the deadline for ESG reporting under the EU CSRD directive.


From 2013 to 2022, the company's household paper production increased from 35,000 tons to 140,000 tons, while carbon dioxide emissions per ton of production fell 49 percent and water consumption fell 52 percent.


The company's factory in Klucze, southern Poland, where data was collected for the report, has three toilet paper machines. The group operates a total of 19 processing lines for the production of toilet paper, kitchen tissues and facial tissues.




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