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Does the sanitary napkins have healing function?


Does the sanitary napkins have healing function?


Answer: Sanitary napkins have no healing effect.


A sanitary napkin is actually a simple hygiene product used to absorb menstrual blood flowing out of the vagina during a woman's menstrual cycle.


If a sanitary napkin is really so magical, would a gynecologist recommend using a certain sanitary napkin, and then your illness will be cured? But no doctor did it! Can we believe something without scientific evidence or clinical trial evidence?


Another thing is the cost of the core. When searching for the core on Alibaba, there are many options available. After calculation, a core placed in a sanitary napkin costs only a few cents. Would you believe that a few cents can cure a disease?


Quanzhou Sinson Hygiene Products Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of sanitary napkins’ raw materials. For more requirements, please consult us.


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