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How to reduce menstrual odor?


How to reduce menstrual odor?


Why does it have odor?

Because of the oxidation of the outflow of menstrual blood and air, as well as the mixing of some chemical components, coupled with the high temperature of the private part, the permeability is not good, naturally the odor comes out.


How to reduce menstrual odor?


First, change sanitary napkins frequently.

Sanitary napkins must be changed frequently, no matter how much menstrual blood it is, it should be replaced every 2 to 3 hours, and more attention should be paid to replace it at any time when there is more menstrual blood.


Some women are afraid of leakage, like to wrap airtight, this method is wrong, can not be timely odor emission. It will only increase the penetration of sweat and sweat smell, odor will be heavier, may also cause itching. It is recommended to wear cotton underwear with good permeability during menstruation.


Second, use sanitary napkins correctly.

First of all, when choosing sanitary napkins, try not to choose drugs and scented sanitary napkins in case causing allergic symptoms. Secondly, it is best to wash your hands before changing sanitary napkins, and do not directly touch the surface of sanitary napkins with your hands, so as not to bring bacteria to sanitary napkins. In addition, sanitary napkins should not be placed in the bathroom for a long time, which is easy to breed mold and pollute sanitary napkins.


Third, take a shower during the menstruation.

Female should pay more attention to personal hygiene during menstruation, if more than two days without a bath, it is absolutely impossible to avoid the smell of menstrual blood. Always take a shower to reduce the risk of infection. When the odor is heavy, you can use a special lotion for cleaning, but be careful not to overuse, so as not to cause the self-cleaning ability of private parts to be weaken.

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