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Reason two for The common reason why women "frequently run to the toilet"


Reason two for The common reason why women "frequently run to the toilet"


2. Be pregnant


When pregnant, especially in early pregnancy, women may run to the toilet frequently due to frequent urination and digestive symptoms due to noticeable changes in the body.


When pregnant, the kidneys will be slightly enlarged, and the kidney blood flow and glomerular filtration rate will increase, for the popular explanation is that the urine volume will increase. In addition, the enlargement of the uterus compresses the bladder in early pregnancy, so there will be symptoms of frequent urination. But when the uterus grows to a certain extent, beyond the pelvic cavity, the symptoms of this pressure will be relieved.


Studies have shown that the reason why early pregnancy reactions such as nausea and vomiting occur in early pregnancy may be caused by elevated hcg and free thyroid hormones in the body. In addition, due to low gastric secretion, delayed gastric emptying, slow intestinal peristalsis and other factors during pregnancy, digestive system symptoms such as bloating and constipation may also occur.


Generally, early pregnancy reactions can often be alleviated after the level of hcg and free thyroid hormone is reduced, but it also varies from person to person. If the expectant mother is difficult to endure morning sickness, you can try to eat more foods rich in vitamin B6, such as bananas, potatoes, spinach, lean meat, eggs, fish and so on, if the physical condition allows. If the morning sickness is serious, remember to seek medical help in time and seek professional help.

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